It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. Our village came together this past weekend to make the MARS EQUESTRIAN Bromont CCI 4* Event an enormous success.

We wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank the many dedicated people we were fortunate enough to work with side-by-side on this horse trials. You are too many to name, but you know who you are: selfless VOLUNTEERS, OFFICIALS, our tireless STAFF, and of course all our generous SPONSORS, PATRONS and DONORS.

Plus, it goes without saying, we thank MARS EQUESTRIAN for their wonderful and valued support to make the event a world class destination for eventers.

But above all, we want to thank you the RIDERS for choosing to come to Bromont. We do it all for you, and we want to make your experience at Bromont memorable, whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned veteran.

Un grand MERCI à vous tous – and see you next year!