Little Bromont Horse Trials which was held over this passed weekend saw horses and riders from the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island vying for top prize at levels from Preliminary to Entry. While there was a health mix of riders from across the provinces it was clearly Quebec that dominated all divisions.
The weather all weekend was perfect and the event popular with riders coming a distance to ride this cross-country course designed by Jay Hambly.
First division to go on Sunday morning saw Mélissa Boutin of Ascot Corners, QC add 8 time penalties on cross-country and still handily win the Open Preliminary by 6.5 penalties head of second place with a score of 35.5. Mélissa was riding her own 9 year old Zweibrucker gelding EWSZ Jalando.
A final score of 29.5 and riding her own Canadian Sport Horse gelding Make My Day gave Mireille Bilodeau top marks and the win in the Open Training. Mireille lives in Gatineau, QC.
20 year old Pénélope Haguette of Quebec City, QC and Ivanhoe shone in the Open Pre-Training to finish ahead of a large field. Their score from start to finish was just 26.00.
Wrapping up the whole weekend with the Open Entry, the red ribbon went to Sherbrooke, Quebec’s Elisabeth Boisclair riding Sea Breeze. This combination finished cross-country on their dressage penalty score of 31.00.
Little Bromont follows closely on the heels of the very successful MARS Incorporated Bromont CCI Three Day Event held June 7th to 10th. Coming up next for the Bromont Eventing calendar is the Bromont CIC which appears on the 2018 competition calendar of many top riders the weekend of August 17th to 19th. Levels will include Training, CIC1*, CIC2* and CIC3*. For more information please follow us on social media and visit the website often.

Pearl Macgregor and Odin
Photo: Cealy Tetley

Melissa Boutin and EWSZ Jalando
Photo: Cealy Tetley

Elisabeth Boisclair and Sea Breeze
Photo: Cealy Tetley

Jay Hambly with Philippa Hambly and Captain Midnight after cross-country
Photo: Cealy Tetley